As part of implementing the Early Literacy Implementation (ELI) law in Iowa, Andrew CSD participates in having our students in grades Kindergarten through 6th grade complete a literacy universal screener three times per year (fall, winter, spring) that is supported through the state called FAST (Formative Assessment System for Teachers). The screener is intended to provide more information about a student’s knowledge in the area of literacy and guides the teachers next instructional steps in the area of letter identification, letter sounds and phonics skills in the lower grades and screens for reading accuracy and fluency in 2nd through 6th grade.
Following the screener, if a student does not demonstrate proficiency, the teacher completes a diagnostic assessment with the student which allows the teacher to identify the specific skill that a child needs additional instruction in and this instruction is provided during our district WIN time. Students participate in this intervention until the following screening period and students are progress monitored weekly to observe how students are making growth in this specific skill.
Andrew students participated in the winter FAST screener last week and 96% of Andrew students demonstrated growth in their early literacy skills, fluency and accuracy from the fall to winter screening window. Congratulations to our students for working so hard to reach their literacy goals and to our teachers for implementing outstanding universal reading instruction as well as implementing reading interventions with fidelity and setting high achievement standards for our students!