
On March 2, 2021, a question will appear on the regular election ballot asking Andrew CSD voters to consider reinstating the $1.34 PPEL Levy that expired five years ago. To educate our voters we are releasing a series of short videos to share information about about the PPEL election.

In this first video, we highlight the various ways we have utilized our PPEL/facility funds to update and maintain our school grounds and facilities. Please click here to view this short five minute video: https://youtu.be/xtDnGeu-LFo

In future weeks, we will share a couple videos that go into more details about our future facility needs. We will also go into more detail related to the tax implications.

We hope you will take a few minutes to learn about the election and consider sharing any information that you found helpful with others in our community.


Andrew CSD School Board & Administration