Andrew School is starting up its summer meal service starting June 1st - June 30th. It will be closed for the month of July, start back up on August 2nd, and run through August 20th.
Andrew School is offering lunch to all students 18 years old and under in our attendance area. This lunch plan is a free service for all students. This form needs to be completed before coming to receive meals, so we can ensure we have enough meals prepared. If your child is here for summer school, they will automatically be counted for the days they are here. If you would like to get meals on the days we don't have summer school, you will need to fill out this form for those days.
Meals can be picked up Monday through Thursday from 11:00 - 11:30 in the vestibule located by the office. All meals will be packaged in the to-go containers like last year. When you come to pick up your lunch meal, we will provide you with the next day's breakfast. At Thursday’s meal pick-up, we will provide you Thursday’s lunch, Friday’s breakfast and lunch, and Monday’s breakfast.
On summer school days, the students attending summer school will be provided their breakfast on their way to class. They will also be served lunch when class is over. Students that are not staying for the afternoon activities will be able to stay and eat or take their meal home.
If you are unable to come to get your meals or need to make changes in meal pickup, please email or Thank you for your help with this matter.
If you have any questions, please contact the school office at 563.672.3221.
Andrew Staff
Link for the Google Form: