Andrew CSD Families and Community,

This afternoon the Andrew School went into our “Secure” safety protocol after receiving a call from the sheriff’s department notifying us that they were responding to an unsafe situation in town. Due to the proximity of the situation to the school building, they advised that we lock all exterior doors and hold all students in the building until their concern was resolved. Fortunately the situation was resolved within minutes of us being notified.

I commend our entire staff for their quick and effective response. After receiving training from the sheriff’s department and other local law enforcement less than a month ago they knew exactly what to do and executed our plans perfectly.

In situations like this we will always plan to notify families as soon as possible. Today we were fortunate that we received the “all clear” from law enforcement just seconds before we hit send on the notification message being sent to families.

On behalf of the Andrew School, I want to pass along the immense gratitude we have for our sheriff’s department and all surrounding area police departments. Thank you to all law enforcement officers who raced to the area today to ensure the safety of our school and community. Their urgency and responsiveness was tremendous. We are extremely grateful for the service they provided today by notifying our school and resolving the concern in town without anyone being harmed.

In the first month of school we have had officers frequent our school multiple times each week to build relationships with staff and students. They have also been patrolling our area day and night to enhance the safety of our kids and community. There is no doubt that the schools, businesses, and families in Jackson County are in great hands.

In the end, our experience today at school served as a great opportunity to put our training into practice. It also allowed us to debrief and identify ways that we can continue to improve our response to any emergency. If any families or students have any questions about the situation today or need any support we encourage you to contact the school to speak with the administration or school counselor.

Thank You,

Chris Fee
