When we have LEAP on Halloween, we make Halloween snacks
about 1 year ago, Jacquelyn Delaney
Families, I understood the Voy movie event was last night and tonight. Apparently, the information I had was incorrect and it was only last night. Sorry for the miscommunication. Be safe and warm tonight!!
about 1 year ago, Brandon Kirchhoff
First day for cooking at LEAP. One group made pumpkin pancakes and the other group made witch hats. Yummy!
about 1 year ago, Jacquelyn Delaney
Parents & Guardians, Please check your child's backpack tonight for their new Leadership Shirt. They are yellow tie-dyed shirts. This is the shirt we will wear for Leadership Assemblies and other school-wide events. Have a great evening!!
about 1 year ago, Brandon Kirchhoff
2023-2025 Leadership Shirt
Last day for STEM at LEAP. These students have done awesome.
about 1 year ago, Jacquelyn Delaney
Andrew Families, Tomorrow is the last day of our boxed food drive for our little pantry. Thank you to everyone who has generously donated thus far! If you have the means to donate, we'd appreciate sending any boxed pantry items to school with your student tomorrow. Thanks again for your support!
about 1 year ago, Anna Wille
Pumpkin Painting fun at Leap! 🎃
about 1 year ago, Melissa Widel
LEAP'S last night at the park. What a beautiful day!
about 1 year ago, Jacquelyn Delaney
LEAP will be going to Bellevue City Park today. We will return around 5:25.
about 1 year ago, Jacquelyn Delaney
This week Andrew School is working to stock our “Free Little Pantry” with nonperishable BOXED food items that can be outside during the winter months. We are looking for dry cereal, oatmeal, noodles, instant potatoes, jello, cake mixes, popcorn, granola bars, rice, crackers etc.
about 1 year ago, Brenda Nelson
food drive
Andrew Families, The items you sold for our Red Wheel Fundraiser will be coming in on Monday, October 23rd. Please come to pick up your items from 2:30-3:45. Please make plans to have your items picked up here at the school. Thanks for your participation and assistance in this fundraiser!!
about 1 year ago, Brandon Kirchhoff
LEAP will be going to Little Bear Park today. We will be back around 5:20.
about 1 year ago, Jacquelyn Delaney
Due to the projected weather conditions on Saturday, October 14, the Andrew Parent Lighthouse Spooky Sprint 5K will be held inside the school. Registration will begin at 8:00 AM. We will have a kids Fun Run throughout the school and adults are encouraged to walk laps in the gym and around the school as an option for their 5K. None of the events will be held outdoors. Donuts, snacks, water, and juice will be provided at the event!! Your flexibility with this event is appreciated!!
over 1 year ago, Brandon Kirchhoff
Spooky Sprint
Andrew Families, We wanted to remind everyone that we have another early out today, October 12th, for conferences. There will not be LEAP tonight. Also, there is no school or LEAP on Friday. If you misplaced or forgot your conference time, please call the school at 563.672.3221 and we can get you that information. We look forward to seeing you all in the next couple of days and sharing the great progress your children are making!!
over 1 year ago, Brandon Kirchhoff
Andrew Community, Attached is a picture of our 2023-2025 Leadership shirt that was created by Koda Jamison and Peter Hoff. The Parent Lighthouse Team purchases a shirt for every current student and staff to use for the next couple of years. This is the shirt that we use for Assembly days and other school celebration days. If you would like to order a shirt for yourself, the cost is $15 (S-XL, $2 more per X added to size). Please indicate the size(s) needed with payment. These orders need to be in by October 18th. A slip to order shirts is coming home with your child on October 12th. If you are needing a slip, there will be extras in the office.
over 1 year ago, Brandon Kirchhoff
2023-2025 Leadership Shirt
Andrew Families, We wanted to remind everyone that we have early outs both today, October 11th, and tomorrow, October 12th, for conferences. There will not be LEAP on either of these nights. Also, there is no school or LEAP on Friday. If you misplaced or forgot your conference time, please call the school at 563.672.3221 and we can get you that information. We look forward to seeing you all in the next couple of days and sharing the great progress your children are making!!
over 1 year ago, Brandon Kirchhoff
Reminder. There is no LEAP tonight (Wednesday) and tomorrow (Thursday).
over 1 year ago, Jacquelyn Delaney
Thursday night LEAP is FULL for next quarter. Students may still sign up for Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
over 1 year ago, Jacquelyn Delaney
LEAP will be staying at school today
over 1 year ago, Jacquelyn Delaney
Parents/Guardians. Reminder that there is no LEAP next Wednesday, Thursday and Friday (October 11, 12. 13) due to conferences.
over 1 year ago, Jacquelyn Delaney