For families who received Summer School information. Some of the LEAP times have been changed from what is printed on the calendar sent. Summer LEAP will be 11:30-3:30 for Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays for May 30, 31, and these 3 days for the entire month of June. I will get calendars made and sent home with students who are signed up.
over 1 year ago, Jacquelyn Delaney
Here are the forms to sign up for Summer Day Camps through 4H and the Iowa State Extension. If you are interested I would sign up right away as they will fill up fast.
over 1 year ago, Brandon Kirchhoff
4H Summer Day Camps pg 1
4H Summer Day Camps pg 1
Andrew's annual end of the year track and field day for kindergarten thru 6th graders is scheduled for Tuesday, May 23rd beginning at 1:00. A rain date of Thursday, May 25th has been set. We hope to see many of you there to support this fun event.
almost 2 years ago, Brenda Nelson
track and field day
As a reminder, Leadership Day is fast approaching. Join us on Friday, May 12th from 9:30-2:15. Please see the NEWS feed section of the school website for details! RSVP by calling the school office or by scanning the QR code located on the NEWS feed.
almost 2 years ago, Brenda Nelson
Just a reminder the Habit #7 Family Connections Activity is due tomorrow. This is the last one of the year. If your child misplaced their copy, you can print one off by clicking on the link.
almost 2 years ago, Brandon Kirchhoff
LEAP always has a great time at Preston City Park
almost 2 years ago, Jacquelyn Delaney
Mississippi River Museum is making engineers out of our LEAP students today
almost 2 years ago, Jacquelyn Delaney
Tomorrow, Tuesday, LEAP will be going to Preston City Park. We will return around 5:25.
almost 2 years ago, Jacquelyn Delaney
Give the gift of life! Andrew Community School blood drive TOMORROW (4.24.23) from 3-6:30 pm sponsored by the Andrew Parent Lighthouse Team. Your donation can save a life AND help Andrew School earn a Lifesaving Grant of $250 or more!
almost 2 years ago, Brandon Kirchhoff
April Blood Drive Poster
QR Code
Just a reminder that on Friday, April 21st, our 3rd-5th graders will be going to Easton Valley to see the High School Musical Production of Freaky Friday put on by the Easton Valley students. We will be leaving around 12:15 and returning at about 3:00. If you wish your child not to attend, please contact your child’s teacher or the office. Thanks, Andrew Staff
almost 2 years ago, Brandon Kirchhoff
Friday is the first day of our A-Z end-of-school countdown. Each day brings a new activity, dress-up day, or theme. Almost all classrooms have some differences in how they plan to celebrate these days. With this in mind, please look at your classroom teacher's Seesaw page or the handout that was sent home with your child to know how your student's class is celebrating. Let's make these last 26 days count!!
almost 2 years ago, Brandon Kirchhoff
LEAP'S first day being able to go to parks. Everyone is so excited!
almost 2 years ago, Jacquelyn Delaney
Reminder. LEAP is going to Bellevue City Park today. We will return around 5:25
almost 2 years ago, Jacquelyn Delaney
LEAP will be going to Bellevue City Park tomorrow. We will return around 5:25.
almost 2 years ago, Jacquelyn Delaney
Leadership Day is fast approaching. Join us on Friday, May 12th from 9:30-2:15. Please see the NEWS feed section of the school website for details on Andrew's 10th Annual Leadership Day! RSVP by calling the school office or by scanning the QR code located on the NEWS feed.
almost 2 years ago, Brenda Nelson
Give the gift of life! Andrew Community School blood drive on 4/25/23 from 3-6:30pm sponsored by the Andrew Parent Lighthouse Team. Your donation can save a life AND help Andrew School earn a Lifesaving Grant of $250 or more!
almost 2 years ago, Brandon Kirchhoff
Blood Drive Flyer
QR Code to Register
Miles for Maize In 209 Maizie Hosch was injured in a lawn mowing accident. Her left foot and lower leg were so severely injured they had to be amputated. 50 Legs provided Maize with a walking leg and a running blade. Our goal is to promote lawn mower safety and awareness.
almost 2 years ago, Brandon Kirchhoff
Miles for Maize Flyer
Miles for Maize Sin Up Form
Please be advised with the road construction on Hwy 62 busses may be running late picking your children up in the mornings and running late in dropping them off in the afternoon. We will do our best to keep schedules running as close to time as we can.
almost 2 years ago, Carla Till
Just a friendly reminder that we are having our Habit #6 Leadership Assembly today from 2:30-3:10. This is the assembly we were supposed to have last Friday that was postponed due to last Friday's weather. Hope to see you here!!
almost 2 years ago, Brandon Kirchhoff
We had a couple more Habit #6 Family Connection sheets come in today. Remember with the assembly being postponed until this Thursday, you now have until Wednesday to get them in.
almost 2 years ago, Brandon Kirchhoff