Just a quick reminder to sell Red Wheel fundraiser items over the weekend and bring in your packets back on Tuesday, September 24th.
5th grade having fun with the cone flip warmup challenge!
Just a reminder that the fundraiser is due a week from today (September 24th). 100% of the money earned goes back to the students for their fun stuff. Extra trips, treats/snacks (like the IA/ISU day stuff), extra outside play stuff, and other miscellaneous items for those extra events and activities.
Thanks for your help with this fundraiser!!
Your child will be receiving a vision screening by Vision to Learn on Wednesday, September 18th. Information was sent home with your student last week. You only need to return the form if you do NOT wish for your child to participate in this screening. Thank you!
These student flu vaccine consent and release forms are coming home with K-5 students today. Please watch for these forms and return them to school before October 7th. Thank you!
Yesterday was the kickoff to our Red Wheel Fundraiser.
- We talked with the kids about how the money raised is used. It 100% goes back to the students for their fun stuff. Extra trips, treats/snacks (like the IA/ISU day stuff), extra outside play stuff, and other miscellaneous items for those extra events and activities.
- We also talked about how to sell safely (with parents and only to relatives and friends).
- We talked a little about the prizes if they sell one thing and if they sell multiple items. The folder cover which a picture is attached here, gives all the dates when packets need to come back, when the stuff will come to the school for you to pick up and deliver, and the prizes.
*** Reminder you need to make sure to put your child's name on the packet and make sure to collect money for the products now. Thank you for your participation and help with this fundraiser!!
Hello 5th & 6th Grade Families! 👋🏼
You may have seen that your student may have taken home a form to do band this year! All of the information you would need will be on that form. The bottom portion of the form needs to be turned into me no later than next Monday, September 16th! If you need a new form, please have your student let me know.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out! Thanks!!
Mrs. Stevely 🎵
Andrew Families,
Just a reminder, tomorrow we are celebrating Iowa versus Iowa State football. Students are encouraged to dress in their Iowa or Iowa State attire. In the afternoon, we are doing a punt, pass, and kick competition. Parents are welcome to attend. Please sign in at the office if you attend!. We hope to see a lot of you there!
Andrew Families,
Attached is a flyer for two afternoons of learning and fun for 3rd-6th graders with the Jackson County Extension office. This will give your children an activity on those early-out Wednesdays. It does have a cost of $25. I copy will be coming home with your child on 8/30/24.
Andrew Families,
Due to anticipated extreme heat tomorrow, we will have inside recess. Please encourage your children to drink plenty of water.
Andrew Families,
Just a reminder to make sure your child has proper shoes for PE class this year. Soft sole tennis shoes is what I am looking for! We will have PE class on Mondays and Thursdays to start the year. When we come back from Christmas break, we will start having PE class on Wednesdays as well. Thanks!
Thank you to all the families that have reached out to our school seeking information regarding school bus pick up and drop off times. We recognize the need to know these times so you can coordinate your family's schedule. We have some new staff that play a critical role in finalizing our bus routes and pick up/drop off times that are working diligently to get you the information you need. Drivers will be contacting you to share the necessary information as soon as possible. In response to the questions we have received we have already identified ways to expedite this process in the future. We greatly appreciate your feedback and patience during this busy time of the year.
Our week of back to school LEAP was an amazing and fun filled time. Crafts, Baking, Miniature Golf, and STEM activities.
Andrew Families,
We are going to have Unpack the Backpack Night on August 21st from 5:30-7:00. Please join us to drop off your school supplies, meet your teacher and other Andrew staff, get a bite to eat, and more!!
See you all. very soon!!
Registration is today!!
Please register your children online or stop in the office today from 9-6. Thank you!
Day 2 of summer symposium was as good as day 1. Melissa won an activity for LEAP, and Andrew was represented with artwork by 2 of our LEAP students.
After School Summer Symposium is absolutely amazing. Great speakers and very i formational breakout sessions.
Registration will be August 6th. There will be an online and in-person option. More information will be mailed to families next week!
Here is the 2024-2025 School Supply List!
Fun group of kids and awesome staff!