June Hawk Herald
Reminder. Today is the last after-school LEAP for this school year.
A reminder. Tomorrow, Wednesday May 25th is the last day for after school LEAP this school year.
Due to the incoming rain, LEAP will stay at school today.
Please feel free to join us today for our Field Day. The activities will start about 1:00 and last until about 3:15. Simply check-in at the office and join your child though the 8 rotations of outdoor fun!!
LEAP'S last day with the Mississippi River Museum for this school year. We can't wait until they come back.
The last day of school is Friday, May 27th. Thursday a full day of school and Friday will be a 1:30 Early Dismissal. Friday is also our school talent show. This event is open to the public and a list of the talent acts and performance times will be coming out tomorrow.
For those of you who missed the 8th Grade Graduation or for anyone who would like to view it again, you can watch the recording on the Andrew CSD LIVE YouTube channel or go to https://youtu.be/xY0YqJ6tRoo to watch it.
The middle school students had an opportunity to bury the time capsule this morning. They placed items in there that reminded them of their time at Andrew Community School District and will be opened in 50 years.
Correction. The date for tomorrow LEAP is the 24th.
Tomorrow (Tuesday, May 23rd) LEAP will be going to Bellevue City Park
Here is the link to view the May slideshow from our past leadership assembly.
Goodbye Preschool, Hello Kindergarten!
Thursday’s perfect weather made it a great day for the preschoolers to celebrate all the hard work they’ve done this year with a picnic lunch at the park followed by some fun in the sprinklers.
Second graders loved making and playing with their Oobleck! Science is so interesting and FUN!
5th and 7th grade Fishing field trip! 🎣🐠
Parents / Guardians,
This is a reminder that next Wednesday, May 25th is the last day of LEAP for this school year.
Parents and Community Members,
Thank you to the families who have already taken the MRA survey. For those of you who who haven't taken it yet, there is still time. The survey closes on May 26th and can be accessed at https://www.leaderinme.com/s/andrew-community-ia/families.
LEAP had another fun day at Preston City Park
Parents and Community Members,
While at the concert tonight, please stop in the cafeteria to do the MRA survey. This survey helps the school get feedback on how we can better serve our families. We have 5 computers ready to go and the survey only takes 10-15 mins.