Andrew Little Leaders is having a fundraiser through Little Caesars that will be going till the end of May. Please share with family and friends and please support our center. We are looking to get more outside fixtures for the kids to use and play on. Get it shipped to your own house. There are even codes you can buy and use in-store if you don’t want kits.
Andrew Families,
The Andrew Parent Lighthouse Team is seeking your input on which events you would be interested in participating in. They want to make sure the events they are putting time into planning and offering are ones the community is interested in participating in. You can access the survey by going to the link below. Thank you in advance for taking a couple of minutes to fill out the survey.
When: Saturday, June 22, 2024
Where: Preston Valley Golf Course (Preston, IA) $200/team - this covers golf, cart, golf, meal from Boar's Nest, and support for Andrew School.
FOR MORE INFO OR TO SIGN UP CONTACT: Jeff Nelson (563) 880.1570; Brittney McCormick (563) 212.1360; Andrew School (563) 672-3221
Andrew Families,
Attached are some summer camp opportunities provided by the Iowa State Extension Office. This is the organization that also comes into our afterschool LEAP program to provide excellent programming. Sign up for some fun learning and fun!!
Andrew Community,
One of the greatest things we can give during this season is blood. By donating blood you can save a life and at the same time help the students raise funds for classroom materials. Below is a flyer, QR Code, and a person to contact to get signed up. I hope to see you there!!
Reminder. LEAP will stay at school today.
LEAP will be staying at school this Thursday, May 2nd.
LEAP will be going to Little Bear Park today. We will return around 5:20pm.
Hello Andrew Ukulele Club families! Our last day of Ukulele Club is May 6th for the Monday group, and May 7th for the Tuesday group. We will be preparing for our Leadership Day Rally and Talent Show performances up until these dates. Please contact Mrs. Stevely with any questions you may have. Thank you for all of your support with our first year of Ukulele Club, and we hope to continue with this opportunity again next year!
Hello Andrew Band Families! Mrs. Stevely will be collecting student instruments and band books on May 13th. This will be after our last performance at the Leadership Day Rally. If your student is playing their instrument in the talent show, they may turn it in on the last day of school, May 24th. Please remind your student of these dates, and make sure they can find their book before then! You should NOT have to pay for them if you do not have to. Thank you for all of your support this school year!
Today is School Bus Driver Appreciation Day. Please give your bus driver a high five and a wave to thank him/her for all that they do to get our students to and from school safely.
Andrew Families,
Here are two recordings of the band and music concert from last night's terrific show. Unfortunately, I got to the record button a little late and missed the first kindergarten/1st-grade song, Down by the Bay. Everything else should be included. I hope you enjoy the show!!
Band Concert -->
Music Concert -->
Community Members, Families, and Guests,
If you are interested in coming to our Leadership Day on May 10th (Raindate May 17th) we ask that you please fill out the Leadership Day RSVP so we know how many to expect and to get an accurate count for food. Below is the link to access the RSVP.
Reminder: We will be having a raffle basket fundraiser to support our TAG teacher Mrs.Kent who had a house fire recently. All proceeds will go directly to her family. We will draw tonight at our Spring Concert (you don't have to be present to win). You may purchase tickets tonight before the concert.
Ticket Prices: $1 for 1 ticket and $5 for 6 tickets - Cash or VENMO
Reminder. There will be no after-school LEAP tomorrow, April 18th. This will allow kids time to get ready and prepare for the Spring Concert.
Andrew Families,
Due to the anticipated severe weather hitting our area this afternoon, we are releasing students at 1:30 to ensure everyone gets home safely. With this early release, it means we WILL NOT have afterschool LEAP, tutoring, or ukelele club.
The Andrew School is seeking parent feedback on our consideration of starting our students' school day fifteen minutes earlier for the 2024-2025 school year. Please click the link below to access more information along with a link to submit your feedback in a 2-5 minute survey.
Andrew Community,
We currently have two job openings for next school year posted on the IowaWORKS site. Here are the direct links to both openings:
Building Secretary -->
Anticipated 5th/6th Grade ELA -->
Parachute fun in PE class!
The Andrew Student Lighthouse Team is sending our extra and used eclipse glasses to a company that will distribute them to students in Latin American schools. This will allow these students to experience the Solar Eclipse in October. We are glad to see these glasses get used another time and to help out others across the globe. Another way the students of Andrew are helping others!!