3rd-6th Families, This is a reminder that ISASP testing begins school-wide tomorrow. Please ensure your student arrives on time, eats a healthy breakfast at home or at school and gets a good nights rest. Also, if you have not yet turned in your encouragement letter, please have that turned in tomorrow. Thanks for your support in helping our students do their best on their tests!
10 months ago, Anna Wille
Picture Day is coming up on 03/26/2024! Order before Picture Day to receive free shipping to the school. Order online at https://inter-state.com/FlyerEntry/85266DF
10 months ago, Carla Till
Due to capacity limits, Thursday LEAP for 4th quarter is full. Students can still sign up for the other days of the week.
10 months ago, Jacquelyn Delaney
Andrew Families, Please look and claim your items off the Lost and Found table as you enter for conferences or when you leave. Anything still on the table on Monday, March 11th will be taken to Goodwill. Thanks, Andrew Staff
10 months ago, Brandon Kirchhoff
Andrew Families, We need your help!! We have a survey called the MRA that we send out each spring. This survey is given to families, students, and our staff. We use the data from this survey to make school goals for the next year to best serve our students, families, and community. We have computers set up outside of each classroom so you can take this survey while you are here or are waiting for conferences. You can also use the link provided to complete the survey at home as well. Thank you in advance for taking a few minutes and giving us your input. https://www.leaderinme.com/s/andrew-community-ia/families Thanks, Andrew Staff
10 months ago, Brandon Kirchhoff
St.Patrick’s Day is quickly approaching and the 6th grade class will be selling a cookie decorating package that will include 12 sugar cookies made by Missy Dostal to decorate along with frosting and sprinkles. All sales will support the 6th-grade trip at the end of the school year! Please complete the order form that was sent home with your child on Friday and the exact amount due to the school by Thursday, March 7th. The cookie decorating kits will be delivered to your student(s) on Friday, March 15th during the school day!
10 months ago, Kaitlyn Stoll
What is included
Fun Zone brings out the creativity in our LEAP kids.
10 months ago, Jacquelyn Delaney
3rd-6th Grade Parents, Last week, your child was sent home with a note asking for parents to write their child a letter of encouragement for the upcoming ISASP test. We start testing school-wide next Tuesday with some SPED groups starting Monday. Please have your letter in a sealed envelope sent back to school with your student by Thursday, March 7th so your child has it to read next week when testing begins! Thank you!
10 months ago, Anna Wille
Reminder. There will be no afternoon LEAP tomorrow, Wednesday, March 6th, and Thursday, March 7th.
10 months ago, Jacquelyn Delaney
Get your St. Patrick's Day cookie decorating kits! $15.00 for a dozen cookies, frosting, and sprinkles! All proceeds go to the 6th-grade class trip! Order forms are due by the 7th!
10 months ago, Kaylie Johnson
Order Form
Due to conferences next week, there will be no LEAP on Wednesday, March 6th, and Thursday, March 7th
11 months ago, Jacquelyn Delaney
Andrew Families, We wanted to share the pictures of the kids opening their books from the Book Blast event we had last week and also photos from last night's Literacy Night. I hope you enjoy the pictures from both of these wonderful events. Book Blast - https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1VEp4S6C4QsQOZJJbk-TAHasqpsiC1YB2?usp=sharing Literacy Night - https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1OMWesNULQZzmwI-rYq7gOJC7tQUQf6FY?usp=sharing
11 months ago, Brandon Kirchhoff
In celebration of Read Across America Day, the deaf, hard of hearing, and deafblind learners in Mississippi Bend AEA and Grant Wood AEA have created some very special videos to share their love of reading with you! They did a fantastic job! If you look closely, you might see a face or two that you recognize! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zbp_n24TRJ8
11 months ago, Brandon Kirchhoff
Families, We wanted to give a reminder that the Ukulele Club starts tomorrow for the Monday Group from 3:40 - 4:40. The Tuesday, group will not be able to start until next week. If you have any questions, please reach out to Mrs. Stevely by email bailey.stevely@andrew.k12.ia.us.
11 months ago, Brandon Kirchhoff
Andrew Families, We are hoping to be able to project the Leadership Assembly Slideshow this afternoon. Just in case, we wanted to mail out the links to access them from last month and this month. Enjoy!! January's Leadership Assembly - https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1nka3eUJM7gsi0gnLhFU4_6AHf_SwquH3QqvXDzpZXJw/edit?usp=sharing February's Leadership Assembly - https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1lSjrjp1MnHI1SQg99KU9dDHuCX61f_QZ2IaNY47XV7s/edit?usp=sharing
11 months ago, Brandon Kirchhoff
LEAP could not have asked for7th better weather yesterday for our annual ski trip. Thank you to all of our parents who volunteered their time to help chaperone. Thank you to Sundown Mountain Resort for an amazing time.
11 months ago, Jacquelyn Delaney
If your student is signed up to go on the LEAP ski trip, please make sure they bring their snow gear with them to school tomorrow.
11 months ago, Jacquelyn Delaney
Andrew Families, Our K-6 students got the pleasure of seeing Gareth Johnson, a Violinist who plays music from classical to hip-hop yesterday at the Ohnward. He plays music for huge events all around the world and has been recognized as one of the best in the field nationwide. The students brought home a flyer yesterday on how you can see his performance. He will be performing with his entire band at the show. Below is a link to give you a little taste of some of his talents. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_ugLQfgZhWiGLMOFVi5X7rq-pIkVE6p-/view?usp=sharing
11 months ago, Brandon Kirchhoff
The 4th graders have been working on some snow plow designs in art class. Yesterday, they were able to learn more about snow plows and see how their design compared to the real thing. They also got to climb inside the truck, see all the levers, and, of course, honk the horn!!
11 months ago, Brandon Kirchhoff
4th Grade with Plow
4th Grade with Plow1
4th Grade with Plow2
4th Grade with Plow3
4th Grade with Plow4
4th Grade with Plow5
4th Grade with Plow6
4th Grade with Plow7
Kindergarten Round Up
11 months ago, Carla Till
Kindergarten Round Up